Rust & Game Development

How I Created 175 Fonts Using Rust

In December of 2023 I launched the 175 Pixel Font Megapack, followed shortly by 42 individual packs for each font family. I created my own toolchain for generating, quality testing, and deploying these fonts... in Rust! In this post I'll walk you through the whole process. more

How This Site is Made

After a couple days work, the site is done and launched! I thought it would be fun to go over how the site is made and talk about the cool tools and open source things I used to make it. So I will, and you can't stop me. more

Test Post

This post is for me to just test out all the features and styling of the blog, and to make sure that if I change the CSS or anything I don't break any of it! This is also a sort of light style guide for blog posts in general. more